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Mission statement
The Mission of the Grupo de Catálisis de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia is to contribute with the generation of new scientific knowledge in Colombia and at the international level in Catalysis field, all this is possible through new research products such as scientific papers, attending to scientific meetings, interaction and cooperation with other research groups of catalysis in Colombia and around the world and supporting undergraduate and postgraduate academic programs.


The Grupo de Catálisis de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia will be recognized at the regional, national and international level, as an interdisciplinary research group with experimental lines focused on the development of heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, enzymatic catalysis and photocatalysis. Our scientific and academic staff has a great ability to adapt to new challenges involved in the resolution of scientific questions. In order to improve our work, start further research and contribute to the catalysis field around the world, we are always looking for partnerships with industry and with other research groups.

• Scientist from GC-UPTC have been awarded during the 25th Jornada de la Investigación y Extensión de la UPTC by the obtention the patent No.NC2018/0013099, entitled: PLANTA PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES CON FUNCIÓN DUAL FLOCULACIÓN/FOTOCATÁLISIS IMPULSADA POR ENERGÍA SOLAR Y UN REACTOR DE TUBOS SOPORTADO SOBRE UNA LÁMINA INCLINADA. Congratulations to our dear researchers!

• Researcher Julie Joseane Murcia Mesa was invited for Forbes journal to offer an interview about women STEM:

• Audiovisual content has been produced by Researchers from GC-UPTC:

• An undergraduate student from GC-UPTC has been awarded as the best presentation at the 4th Congreso Colombiano de Procesos Avanzados de Oxidación. Congratulations to our dear student!

Dr. Hugo Alfonso Rojas Sarmiento was named as a corresponding member of the "Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales”.

The academic act began with the solemn march of Dr. Hugo Rojas accompanied by two famous academics. It was Margarita Perea Dallos, Doctor in Biotechnology, Life and Work Award from a Scientist from the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales since 1998 and First National award in sciences of 2000. At her side the Doctor of Natural Sciences, Diogenes Campos Romero, who has been Counselor of the Programa Nacional de Ciencias Básicas; by designation of Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.

Finally, the current rector of the UPTC, Oscar Hernan Ramirez, congratulated Dr. Rojas for gathering the demanding research merits that allowed him to be appointed as a corresponding member of the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales.  

The Grupo Catalisis at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia attended the “XI Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis 2019” that was developed in Popayan-Colombia. The resarch group presented works both in poster and oral mode. Also, all the teachers of the group were invited to participate as moderators of the event in the different presentation rooms. All information about this event is available at the following link: 

Two students adscribed to chemistry department of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnologica de Colombia, have attended to the 6th Latin-American congress of Photocatalysis, Photochemistry and Photobiology LACP3; in this scientific event our students have presented two contributions as oral and poster presentations.

Dr. Hugo Alfonso Rojas Sarmiento, has been designate as Vicerector Académico of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. ¡Congratulations to our dear leader!.

Three undergraduate students ascribed to Chemistry department of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, have attended to “Encuentro Regional de Semilleros de investigación”, in this scientific event our students have presented three contributions as oral and poster presentations.

The oral presentation entitled “Tratamiento fotocatalítico de aguas del río Jordán, Tunja – Colombia orientado a la inactivación de E. coli” presented by the undergraduate student Lizeth Gisela Arias Bolivar has been awarded as the best work in the “Encuentro Regional de Semilleros de investigación”. Our dear student also has been invited to give an interview in UPTC radio station. ¡Congratulations to our dear student!.

Elsa Giovanna Ávila Martínez, MsC student, has attended to the 4 th Latinamerican Congress of Photocatalysis, Photoelectrochemistry and Photobiology. In this important scientific event have been presented two contributions as oral and poster presentations.

7 students adscribed to Grupo de Catálisis of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia have been awarded with MsC and PhD scholarships.

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia will be the host institution of the tenth version of the Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis which will take place in 2017.  

Researchers of Grupo de Catálisis of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia attended to the IX Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis 2015.

Researchers of Grupo de Catálisis of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia attended to the XXIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis.

X Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis and III EiCat have been successfully develop in Tunja, September 25 to 29. More than 100 researchers coming from different Colombian research centers and universities attend to this event. 

Two MsC students have atended to XXVl International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2017). : Cancún (Mexico). August 20-25, 2017.

Información actualizada: 13 de octubre de 2021

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